I think we can all relate to admiring personality traits that we see in other people, traits that we wish we had ourselves. For me, I think the thing I admire most in other women is their softness. When someone is calm, gentle, or soft-spoken, I naturally feel attracted to that in them. It's not that I'm hard, although I don't hesitate to admit that I have some hard edges. Somewhere along the way I developed a sarcastic streak, which I always intend to come off as majorly funny, but I think sometimes it comes off as harsh. Maybe not. Regardless, there's just something about softness that centers me. I know that my mother had both hard and soft edges; I suppose I could want more of who she was in my own life. I've written elsewhere that finding my softness is something I have left to do in this lifetime. I know that some people get softer with age. I hope I'm one of those people. I won't give up on finding softness. I have plenty of time (I hope) to cultivate it.